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Feb 22, 2023 5 min read

Vadym Morozov
Founder, Senior QA

Verifications in automation testing

Verification in automation testing is important. We can check by comparing the expected and actual results in the form of text, links, pictures, screenshots, values, messages, and pop-ups. We will analyze the most used and simple verification methods for JavaScript frameworks in this article.

Verifications in automation testing

What is verification in software testing?

Why do we use verification in automation testing?

Verification testing in software engineering plays a key role. Basically, we can't talk about software automated testing if there is no verification in the test case. We have to check all the key points in the test. If it is a page check, then check whether the title, favicon, and page description are displayed. If this is a check of the functionality of the hamburger menu, then see whether there are clickable buttons in it and whether these buttons lead to the expected sections. Texts of error messages and pop-ups are also frequently checked.

Verification activities in software testing should be implemented because, for example, the locator on the pages may be repeated. In this case, we can't be sure that the click was on the page we wanted.

After all, if the test passes and we get a ready result after software debugging testing and verification, for example, it can be a new order or a created questionnaire, then it can be considered that the test has been passed. But in this case, we have to check the data of that order or questionnaire to be certain.

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Verification methods

There are many test verification methods and tools for testing. We can check by comparing pictures (screenshot check or golden picture method). Compare files with each other.

But the simplest and standard software automated testing verification method is text verification. For this, there are many tools built into Node JS or provided by frameworks.

Types of verification methods

In general, three types of checks are used:




, and



Verification by Assert

There are




methods in Node.js and


that are provided by Chai framework.

This style allows you to include an optional message as the last parameter in the


statement. These will be included in the error messages should your assertion not pass. However, if you need to see the expected statement and the actual statement in the terminal, this style will not show both results, unlike



Example of Chai assert:

Verification by Expect

We can find


methods in the Chai framework and also in Webdriver IO or Playwright (based on the Jest framework).

Example of Chai expect:


allows you to include arbitrary messages to prepend to any failed assertions that might occur.

This comes in handy when being used with non-descript topics such as booleans or numbers.

Some examples of wdio expect:

Verification by Should

There are


methods in Chai framework and in Cypress.



style in by Chai allows for the same Chainable assertions as the


interface, however it extends each object with a


property to start your Chain. This style has some issues when used with Internet Explorer, so be aware of browser compatibility.

Example of Chai should:





interfaces do not modify Object.prototype, whereas


does. So they are a better choice in an environment where you cannot or do not want to change Object.prototype.

When a valid method Cypress


is executed, it is transformed into certain methods of Chai or Chai-jQuery or Sinon-Chai.

Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.

Example of Cypress should:

Let's summarize!

Verifications are used in automated testing for better bug detection and confidence that the test passed if successful. After all, successful passing of the test only functionally does not temper the absence of defects.

So, the method that can be used to validate an automated test is chosen depending on which framework and tools are used.

Verifications should be present in tests for web applications and desktop applications. Software verification testing for mobile app is also very important.

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What is verification in automation testing?

Verification in automation testing refers to the process of checking that a product, system, or component meets specified requirements. It ensures that the software being developed is as per the specifications and requirements defined.

How does verification differ from validation in testing?

Verification ensures that the system (or component) is being built correctly, whereas validation ensures that the right system (or component) is being built. Verification focuses on processes, activities, and conditions, while validation focuses on the final product's functionality.

Why are verifications important in automated testing?

Verifications are crucial because they confirm that the code behaves as expected. Without proper verifications, there might be defects in the software which could remain unnoticed.

Is it possible to conduct automation testing without verifications?

While it's possible, it's not advisable. Without verifications, automation tests would lack purpose. They would execute actions on the software but wouldn't confirm the correctness of the results.

How frequently should verifications be performed during automation testing?

Verifications should be integrated into every test case. Every time an action is performed or a function is invoked in the software, a verification should be in place to confirm that the expected outcome is achieved.