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Jun 05, 2024 17 min read

Vasyl Dushevin
Mentor, Senior QA

All You Need to Know About Healthcare Application Testing

This article delves into the aspects of healthcare application testing, shedding light on its significance, vulnerabilities, testing types, and best practices.  

healthcare application testing

In the fast-evolving world of healthcare technology, secure apps have become pivotal. With the increasing reliance on digital solutions to manage sensitive patient information, the importance of thorough testing cannot be overstated. This article delves into the aspects of healthcare application testing, shedding light on its significance, vulnerabilities, testing types, and best practices.  

Importance of Healthcare Application Testing  

In the US, healthcare apps handle private patient information and must follow strict rules, like HIPAA. They must also be good, safe, and fast, or else they may get hacked and break the law. QA engineers can identify and resolve defects early in the development lifecycle through the testing process, minimizing the likelihood of issues impacting end users. By following this approаch, organizations can mitigate potential risks and maintain the expected high standards. Here are the key points on the importance of healthcare application testing: 

  • Ensures reliability and security of applications, critical for preserving patient lives and health 
  • Affects the reputation and trust of the healthcare organization 
  • Helps ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the application, satisfying client needs and maintaining long-term relationships 
  • Detects and eliminates defects, reducing the risk of problems and costs for further development and support of the application. 
  • Healthcare application testing plays a critical role in the success and reliability of these applications, making it a crucial aspect of the healthcare industry. 

Interested in learning more about our experience in this industry? Read about our case study Resilience Lab.

Why are Healthcare Apps So Vulnerable

In recent years, multiple studies have indicated that the healthcare industry is a prime target for cybercriminals around the globe. Protected health information (PHI) is precious on the black market. For cybercriminals, healthcare applications are like a goldmine, as they can easily acquire PHI. While discovering and reporting data leakage can take some time, it is enough for cybercriminals to sell stolen records online before the weak spots in the app security are identified.  

Besides patient records, healthcare provider networks can also contain valuable financial information, further enticing hackers to find loopholes in healthcare applications and obtain access to sensitive information.

Explore our security testing services to ensure your healthcare app is protected against data leakage and cyber-attacks. Besides, having your finger on a pulse and frequently updating your healthcare app is even more critical. As time goes by, technologies become obsolete, and hackers figure out more and more ways to access the app data. 

Key Testing Types for Healthcare Applications 

Several testing types are essential when it comes to healthcare applications. During our healthcare application testing, we always perform various types of testing to ensure the highest result. These include: 


Explore our web application security testing services to ensure the reliability and security of healthcare apps for end-users.

Soft Spots to Investigate During Healthcare App Testing 

A diverse range of healthcare apps exists within the medical industry, each managing valuable and sensitive medical data. Due to the nature of these apps, they are more susceptible to vulnerabilities than other applications. Below is the list of common healthcare apps' vulnerabilities, coupled with testing insights: 

Failure to Comply with HIPAA Requirements 

The HIPAA compliance checklist is a crucial tool in assessing the reliability of healthcare apps, preventing hefty penalties, and safeguarding against cyber threats. 

Testing focus: ensuring well-defined roles, secure authentication, proper encryption of PHI, and automated data backups to maintain compliance and protect sensitive patient data.

Unfriendly UI and Negative UX 

User satisfaction is a critical aspect of app testing, with usability evaluation plans and expert reviews focusing on usability effectiveness and efficiency.  

Testing focus: identifying potential user challenges, gauging task completion times, and conducting a technical review for a comprehensive assessment.

Incompatibility with Medical Systems 

Ensuring interoperability with third-party healthcare software systems, such as medical practice management software , hospital management software (HMS), and electronic health records (EHR). 

Testing Focus: verifying effective communication with various healthcare systems, considering functionality logic, database types, and data formats for seamless integration. 

Incompatibility with Wearable Devices 

Check compatibility with wearable devices to ensure smooth integration and functionality. 

Testing Focus: ensuring proper functioning with devices like smart glasses, wearables, smartwatches, and fitness trackers, addressing issues such as data transfer and connectivity. 


Poor App Performance 

App performance directly influences customer satisfaction, requiring thorough testing across different network qualities, devices, locations, and user loads. 

Testing Focus: Assessing the app's speed, scalability, and performance under various conditions, including network speeds and simultaneous user interactions. 

Comprehensive testing across these areas is imperative to ensure healthcare apps' robustness, security, and user-friendliness. 

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Software Products in the Healthcare Industry  

The digital transformation of the healthcare industry has led to the development of various software products, each designed to address specific aspects of healthcare delivery and management:   

  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Digital versions of paper charts are now real-time, patient-centered electronic health records (EHRs) that provide instant and secure access to authorized users. 
  • Mobile Health Apps: Applications for smartphones and tablets that directly offer health-related services to consumers, from medication reminders to mental health support.  
  • Diagnostic Systems: Advanced software systems, often powered by artificial intelligence (AI), that assist in diagnosing diseases based on imaging studies, laboratory results, and other data.  
  • Health Information Systems (HIS): Systems that manage healthcare data, including patient information, billing, and scheduling, to improve healthcare service efficiency.  
  • Blockchain for Health Data Exchange: Health transaction records can now be securely and immutably created using technology, enhancing patient data privacy and security. 
  • Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Network of connected devices that collect and share health data, improving patient monitoring and outcomes.  

As the healthcare industry expands, software products play an increasingly central role in enhancing healthcare delivery and efficiency, empowering patients to take an active role in managing their health. 

The Importance of Security Testing for Healthcare Apps 

Security testing is paramount to help guarantee the solid protection of patients' private data and the resilience of the app against cyberattacks. A thorough security testing plan includes penetration testing, vulnerability and security scanning, posture assessment, and risk assessment. 

The key advantages of security testing for healthcare apps are as follows: 


Security testing is crucial for healthcare apps to protect patients' private data and ensure the app's resilience against cyber threats.  

Manual Testing vs. Automated Testing for Healthcare Applications  

When it comes to testing the functionality of healthcare applications, both manual and automated testing have their roles and advantages.  

  • Manual Testing: Manual testing is an essential step in assessing the user experience, usability, and overall look and feel of an application. It enables testers to experience the application from a user's perspective, making it invaluable for identifying issues that test automation services might overlook. These could be subtle UI/UX issues or complex user interactions. Manual testing is particularly beneficial in the early stages of development and for exploratory testing. 
  • Automated Testing: It is best suited for repetitive tasks and regression testing, as it can speed up the testing process considerably and increase accuracy. It is particularly useful for testing functionalities that require executing the same steps with different data inputs, such as form submissions and retrieval processes. Automated tests can run continuously, providing quick feedback to the development team.  

Though automated testing can greatly enhance efficiency and reliability in identifying bugs, manual testing services remain critical for ensuring the application meets the highest usability and user satisfaction standards. By employing a combination of both testing methodologies, product owners can ensure their healthcare applications are functional and user-friendly, ultimately leading to better patient care and healthcare outcomes. 

Example Test Case for Testing a Patient Registration Feature 

Let's consider a simple example of testing the patient registration feature of a healthcare application. In this scenario, a user should be able to register as a patient by providing their personal information, such as name, date of birth, and contact details. 

Here's a sample test case for this feature: 

Objective: To verify the functionality of the patient registration feature, allowing successful registration by providing the required personal information. 

Test Case ID: TC001 

Module: Patient Registration 

  • Description: This test case verifies that the patient registration feature allows users to successfully register by providing the required personal information. 
  • Preconditions: The application is open and on the patient registration page. 


  1. Enter valid personal information in all required fields. 
  2. Click on the "Register" button. 
  3. Verify that a confirmation message is displayed. 
  • Expected Result: The user should be successfully registered, and a confirmation message should be displayed. 
  • Actual Result: The user was successfully registered and displayed a confirmation message. 
  • Status: Pass/Fail (To be determined after execution) 

This test case covers the basic functionality of the patient registration feature. Additional test scenarios should be considered for edge cases, such as handling special characters, validating input length, and testing the application's response to potential network disruptions during registration. 

Best Practices for Testing Healthcare Applications 

Here are some best practices to follow when testing healthcare applications: from our specialists: 


Collaborate with domain experts: By working with healthcare professionals and domain experts, you will better understand the requirements, workflows, and potential pitfalls associated with your application. 


Define test objectives and scope: Defining objectives for testing and relating them to the whole scope of your testing efforts helps you know where to direct your efforts.  


Create detailed test cases and scenarios: Develop test cases and scenarios to ensure you cover all possible user interactions and workflows.  


Use automated testing tools: Implementing automated testing tools can help you improve the efficiency of your healthcare app testing efforts and ensure consistent results. However, it is vital to balance automated testing with manual testing to ensure that all aspects of the application are thoroughly tested. 


Validate compliance with industry regulations: Ensure your testing efforts demonstrate that the application complies with relevant industry regulations, such as HIPAA. It can prevent you from facing any legal or financial issues in the future. 


Continuously monitor and improve: Continuously monitor the application's performance, security, and user experience. Use this information to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to your healthcare app testing strategies. 


In conclusion, healthcare application testing is crucial due to the sensitive nature of patient data and regulatory requirements. The identified vulnerabilities underscore the need for comprehensive testing covering functionality, security, performance, and user experience. By adopting key testing types and adhering to best practices, organizations can fortify healthcare apps against potential risks and maintain the standards required in this critical domain. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your healthcare technology initiatives. 

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Why is testing important for healthcare applications?

Testing is crucial for healthcare applications due to the sensitive nature of patient information and the need for compliance with regulations like HIPAA. It ensures the apps' quality, security, and performance, safeguarding against data breaches and adhering to legal requirements.  

What makes healthcare apps vulnerable to cyber threats?

Healthcare apps are prime targets for cybercriminals because they handle valuable Protected Health Information (PHI). The delay in discovering and reporting data leakage allows cybercriminals to exploit weak security spots. Besides patient records, valuable financial information in healthcare provider networks adds to their appeal.  

What are common security vulnerabilities in healthcare apps?

Common security vulnerabilities include: poor server-side control, improper data storage, insecure client-server connections, data leakage, improper user authentication. Addressing these vulnerabilities is essential for fortifying healthcare app security.  

What are the critical testing types for healthcare applications?

Key testing types for healthcare applications include functional testing (validating features), security testing (identifying vulnerabilities), performance testing (ensuring app performance under various conditions), usability testing (evaluating user interface experience), and compliance testing (ensuring adherence to industry regulations like HIPAA).  

What soft spots should be investigated during healthcare application testing?

Soft spots in healthcare application testing include: failure to comply with HIPAA requirements, incompatibility with medical systems and wearable devices, poor app performance. Thorough testing across these areas is crucial for ensuring healthcare apps' robustness, security, and user-friendliness.