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Updated Aug 01, 2024 14 min read

Volodymyr Klymenko
CEO, Senior QA

Cloud Based Mobile Application Testing: Best Practices in 2023

Explore the best practices and tools for cloud based mobile app testing in 2023, ensuring seamless performance and enhanced user experience on various devices.

Cloud Based Mobile Application Testing

Unleashing the Power of Cloud Based Mobile App Testing

Mobile applications have become integral to our lives. Mobile apps have transformed how we interact with technology, from communication and entertainment to productivity and E-commerce. With the increasing reliance on mobile apps, ensuring their seamless performance and enhanced user experience has become a top priority for developers and businesses.

Mobile app testing is critical in ensuring these apps function seamlessly on various devices and operating systems. Cloud based mobile app testing has emerged as a game-changer in the testing domain, offering numerous benefits and advantages over traditional testing approaches. This article will discuss cloud based mobile app testing, its benefits, and best practices. We also explore some of the leading tools available nowadays. Let's start by understanding the essence of Mobile App Testing.

What is Mobile App Testing? 

Mobile app testing evaluates an application's performance, functionality, and compatibility on various devices and under different conditions. Besides checking if the app loads correctly, testers also analyze the time of response and behavior under different scenarios to ensure a delightful user experience. 

Apart from the commonly used functional, usability, and security testing techniques, mobile-specific testing technics are essential to guarantee that mobile apps function as expected. Let's explore some mobile-specific testing: 


Performance Testing: The app's performance under different conditions, such as battery levels and network connectivity, including Wi-Fi and cellular networks.


OS Version Testing: Ensuring the app works across multiple OS versions, considering that not all users immediately upgrade to the latest version.


Geographical Condition Testing: Testing how the app behaves under different network and location conditions, as some apps may exhibit different behavior based on these factors.


Installation Process: Verify the installation process to ensure system requirements are met, and users can install, uninstall, and reinstall the app on their devices.


Interrupt Testing: Evaluating the app's response and behavior when interruptions like incoming calls, SMS, or battery issues occur while the app is running.

Using these mobile-specific testing techniques ensures that apps meet the high standards that users expect.

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What is Cloud Based Mobile App Testing? 

Cloud based mobile app testing is a testing approach that uses cloud technology to enable developers and testers to connect to mobile devices via the Internet. In this setup, testers gain access to a vast range of devices with different operating systems and network carriers through cloud-based platforms. Apps can be uploaded to these platforms via APIs or web clients, making them convenient and efficient for testing purposes.

Using real devices for testing can be expensive, making cloud based mobile app testing a preferred choice. Testers can use simulators and emulators available in the cloud, which simulate fundamental user interactions like swiping, tapping, zooming, and scrolling. Performance issues can also be detected effectively through cloud-based testing.

Cloud Mobile Testing: Advantages for Mobile App Development

Embracing cloud based mobile app testing brings many benefits to development teams. Some of the advantages include:

  • Choice of Devices and Platforms: Mobile app cloud testing offers access to various devices, OS systems, and display sizes and resolutions, reducing overall testing device infrastructure and maintenance costs. 
  • Time and Cost Savings: Mobile app testing clouds support parallel testing, enabling the execution of multiple tests simultaneously, saving considerable time and effort. 
  • Enhanced Security: Testing apps in a secure cloud environment ensures that sensitive data is protected, providing a safe testing environment. 
  • Easy Accessibility: Developers and testers can access mobile app testing cloud tools from anywhere, streamlining the testing process and collaboration. 
  • Real-time Testing Environment: Mobile app cloud testing allows testing in a real-world environment with actual network carriers, offering more realistic results. 
  • Pay per Usage: Mobile app cloud testing often operates on a pay-per-user basis, making it cost-effective and suitable for various project sizes. 

Mobile app cloud testing paves the way for seamless, efficient, and secure app development, setting new standards for the industry.

Cloud Based Mobile Testing: Addressing the Challenges of Mobile App Testing

Cloud based mobile app testing is a practical approach to overcoming the unique challenges faced during mobile app testing. Here are some common challenges faced during mobile app testing and how cloud-based testing can overcome them:


Diverse OS and Device Combinations: Unlike iOS, Android poses a challenge with its vast array of phone models and operating system versions. Cloud-based testing offers a centralized location where testers can access various devices with various OS versions, simplifying the testing process.


Global Audience: Apps with a global audience, such as gaming, shopping, and travel apps, must be thoroughly tested for real-world scenarios. Cloud testing enables stress and load testing on a vast scale, ensuring thorough testing of these apps.


Continuous Integration: Cloud based mobile testing is particularly beneficial for agile methodologies that involve frequent releases and continuous integration. It allows testers to prioritize testbeds and run scripts accordingly, ensuring smooth and efficient app delivery.

Embrace the power of the mobile testing cloud, and let your mobile app take flight to new heights of success in this dynamic and competitive digital era. So, don't let the challenges of mobile app testing weigh you down; instead, let cloud testing carry your app to unparalleled success!

Does My App Need Cloud Testing? Making the Right Decision

Evaluating whether your app requires this approach before opting for cloud based mobile testing is essential. Here are some criteria to consider when deciding if cloud testing is necessary for your app:

Target Audience: If your app caters to a global audience and is accessible to millions of users, cloud testing is recommended to ensure thorough testing for real-world scenarios on various devices.

Operating System Version: Apps that rely heavily on specific features of particular operating system versions should be regressed across different OS versions, demonstrating the advantages of cloud based testing.

Phone Model and Screen Size: Apps with flashy UI or imaging features must be tested on various screen sizes and phone models, which can be efficiently accomplished through cloud testing.

Frequency of Feature Changes: If your app experiences frequent functionality changes, cloud testing may not be advisable, as it involves additional costs and may not provide significant benefits for unstable apps.

Choosing the right approach for mobile app cloud testing is crucial for delivering a high-quality product to users. However, assessing whether your app meets the criteria for cloud testing is essential. 

Types of Testing Conducted Using Cloud

Cloud based mobile app testing supports various testing types, from functionality verification to load and performance testing. While various tools have specific features, most cloud based automation tools can handle almost all critical types of testing. Some common testing types under cloud based mobile testing include:

  1. Functional Testing: Ensuring the app's features and functionality meet the specified requirements. 
  2. Performance Testing: Assessing the app's performance under various conditions, such as battery levels, memory usage, and network connectivity. 
  3. Load Testing: Evaluating the app's performance under heavy user loads ensures it can handle many users simultaneously. 
  4. Security Testing: Identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the app's security measures. 
  5. Compatibility Testing: Verifying the app's compatibility with different devices, operating systems, and network carriers. 
  6. Usability Testing: Evaluating the app's user-friendliness and user experience. 
  7. Interrupt Testing: Testing the app's response to interruptions like incoming calls, messages, and battery issues. 

As technology advances, cloud based mobile app testing will continue to drive innovation, pushing the boundaries of what mobile apps can achieve.

Benefits and Best Practices of Cloud Based Mobile App Testing

Cloud based mobile app testing offers various benefits and ensures smooth and successful testing. Here are some key advantages and best practices:

Benefits of cloud-based mobile app testing.

  1. 24-hour Availability: Cloud based testing provides access to devices and resources 24/7, allowing testers to run tests at any time. 
  2. Time Savings: Parallel testing on multiple devices and platforms saves significant time and speeds up testing. 
  3. Agile Support: Cloud testing aligns well with the agile methodology, allowing cross-functional teams to work simultaneously on different aspects of testing. 
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Cloud based testing eliminates the need for an extensive physical testbed, reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs. 
  5. Continuous Integration: Cloud based testing facilitates continuous integration, enabling smooth app stability and functionality verification with each change. 

Let's have a look at some best practices of cloud based mobile app testing.

  1. Thorough Requirement Analysis: Before adopting cloud based testing, analyze your app's requirements to determine whether cloud testing fits.  
  2. Security and Confidentiality: Ensure the chosen cloud testing tool provides robust security measures to protect sensitive app data and code.   
  3. Effective Collaboration: Encourage testers and developers to work together to address significant failures effectively.   
  4. Evaluation of Tools: Thoroughly evaluate different cloud based testing tools based on your needs and select the most suitable one. 
  5. Backup and Recovery Plan: Develop a backup and recovery plan to prevent data loss and redundancy during testing. 

Cloud based mobile app testing presents a transformative solution to address the challenges of modern mobile app testing. Using the benefits of 24-hour availability, time saving, security, and cost-effectiveness, while adhering to best practices such as thorough requirement analysis and continuous integration can lead to a seamless testing process. 

Drawbacks of Cloud Based Mobile Application Testing

While cloud based mobile app testing offers numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential drawbacks to make informed decisions. Some joint of them include:

  • Large Bandwidth Requirement: Significant bandwidth is required to ensure effective cloud testing, which may add to testing costs. 
  • Lack of Backup: Some cloud-based testing tools need backup and recovery options, making re-execution costly in case of data loss. 
  • Security Concerns: Cloud based mobile testing tools generally provide a secure environment, but data and code security may still concern some organizations. 
  • Frequent Feature Changes: Cloud testing may not be suitable for apps with frequent functionality changes, as it involves additional costs and may not provide significant benefits for unstable apps. 

By acknowledging and addressing these potential drawbacks we can make a way of clarity for successful testing endeavors. Embrace the knowledge and creative wisdom bestowed upon you, and the realm of cloud testing shall unfold its wonders now and beyond. Explore our guides to understand the different types of test automation frameworks available and learn how to select the right framework for your project.

Best Cloud Based Mobile App Testing Tools  

Choosing the right cloud based mobile testing tool is crucial for successful testing results. Here are some of the top cloud based testing tools available in 2023: 


AWS Device Farm: Amazon's leading cloud based testing tool allows concurrent testing on real iOS, Android, and Fire OS devices. It offers videos and logs for issue identification and directly interacts with devices from the web browser.


Kobiton: This mobile app testing tool provides real devices for manual and automated testing, supporting iOS and Android applications. It also offers a scriptless automation tool for ease of use.


Perfecto: With its continuous quality lab, Perfecto supports real-device monitoring and test automation.


Sauce Labs: Offering Android emulators and iOS simulators, Sauce Labs facilitates automated tests for native apps and mobile web. It also provides access to a Real Device Cloud for real-world testing.


BrowserStack: A cloud web and mobile testing platform that provides instant access to 2000+ mobile devices for interactive testing on iOS and Android devices. Allows both manual and automated testing.


Firebase Test Lab: Google's cloud-based app testing infrastructure allows running tests on Android and iOS devices to simulate real-world conditions.

The world of cloud based mobile app testing offers tools that are not only efficient but also inspiring. So, fellow testers and developers, let's embrace the power of innovation, exploring these cloud based testing wonders to create exceptional mobile apps that leave a lasting impression on users' hearts. The future of mobile app testing is bright, and with these tools in hand, success awaits on the horizon of limitless possibilities. Learn how to automate mobile app testing with our expert insights and guidance.

Innovative Trends in Cloud Based Mobile App Testing for 2023

As we step further into the digital age, the realm of mobile applications continues to evolve, presenting developers and businesses with new challenges and opportunities. In 2023, cloud based mobile app testing is set to meet a revolution, opening the way for innovative trends that promise to redefine the testing process and user experience.

  • AI-Driven Test Automation: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been steadily transforming various industries, and mobile app testing is no exception. In the nearest feature witness the widespread integration of AI-driven test automation tools in cloud based testing platforms. These tools will intelligently analyze app behavior, identify patterns, and automatically generate test cases, significantly accelerating the testing process while enhancing accuracy and coverage. 
  • Extended Reality (XR) Testing: With the rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications, XR testing will become a crucial aspect of mobile app testing. Cloud based testing platforms will offer emulators and simulators capable of replicating XR environments, allowing developers to thoroughly assess their apps' performance and user experience in the immersive world. 
  • Internet of Things (IoT) App Testing: The Internet of Things has expanded the horizons of mobile app development, with connected devices becoming more prevalent. Cloud based testing will adapt to include IoT app testing, enabling developers to evaluate the seamless interaction between mobile apps and a diverse array of connected devices, ensuring smooth user experiences across the IoT ecosystem. 
  • Blockchain Application Testing: Blockchain technology is finding its way into mobile applications, primarily in finance, supply chain, and security. Cloud based testing platforms will incorporate blockchain-specific testing capabilities to verify the functionality and security of blockchain-enabled mobile apps. 
  • Enhanced Performance Monitoring: As mobile apps become more complex, the demand for real-time performance monitoring grows. Cloud based testing platforms will implement sophisticated monitoring tools that provide developers with immediate insights into an app's performance metrics under various conditions. This proactive approach will help detect and resolve performance bottlenecks swiftly. 
  • Quantum Computing for Testing: While still in its infancy, quantum computing is making significant strides in tech. We might witness the early adoption of quantum computing in cloud based testing, offering unparalleled computing power for complex testing scenarios and data analysis. 
  • 5G Network Testing: The global rollout of 5G networks will continue to expand nowadays, bringing users faster and more reliable connections. Cloud based mobile app testing platforms will integrate 5G network testing capabilities, enabling developers to assess their apps' performance on the latest network infrastructure. 
  • Voice and Conversational Interface Testing: With voice assistants and conversational interfaces becoming integral to mobile apps, cloud based testing will encompass specialized tools for evaluating the accuracy and user-friendliness of these interfaces. Voice recognition testing and natural language processing assessments will ensure seamless interactions. 
  • Multi-Cloud Testing: Organizations increasingly leverage multiple cloud service providers to avoid vendor lock-in and improve flexibility. In response, cloud based testing platforms will offer seamless testing across multiple cloud environments, facilitating comprehensive app assessments without constraints. 
  • Green Testing Initiatives: In an era of growing environmental consciousness, cloud based testing providers will embrace eco-friendly initiatives. These initiatives include optimizing server energy consumption, adopting renewable energy sources, and encouraging users to minimize their carbon footprint while using the platform. 

Cutting-edge technologies and innovative practices will shape the future of cloud based mobile app testing. AI-driven automation, XR and IoT testing, quantum computing, and sustainable initiatives are exciting trends set to transform how we test and develop mobile applications. The flexibility of cloud based mobile testing enables seamless integration and delivery pipelines, enhancing the development process.

Embracing these trends will empower developers to create robust, user-centric apps that thrive in a dynamic, ever-changing digital era. Looking for reliable and comprehensive mobile testing services? Look no further! Our team of professionals specializes in providing comprehensive mobile testing solutions to ensure the quality and functionality of your mobile applications. Let us help you ensure your mobile app's success by providing thorough testing and ensuring it meets your users' expectations.


Cloud based mobile app testing has emerged as a revolutionary approach to mobile app development. Its ability to provide easy accessibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive choice for developers and testers worldwide. Cloud based mobile testing offers the advantage of accessing a wide range of devices and platforms remotely. With cloud based mobile testing, teams can efficiently run simultaneous tests on multiple virtual devices, ensuring comprehensive app coverage.

By following best practices in cloud based mobile app testing, organizations can optimize their testing efforts, deliver high-quality apps, and ensure a delightful user experience.  Reach out to us for personalized assistance, expert advice, and tailored solutions to meet your testing needs.


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How do I test cloud based apps?

Testing cloud based apps involve using cloud based testing platforms that provide access to a wide range of real devices, emulators, and simulators. These platforms allow testers to execute test cases on various devices and operating systems to ensure the app's functionality and performance under different conditions. Testers can run automated scripts, perform manual testing, and analyze results to identify and fix issues.

Is cloud based testing difficult?

Cloud based testing can be complex initially, especially for those unfamiliar with cloud-based tools. However, once testers become acquainted with the platforms and their features, cloud based testing can significantly streamline the testing process. The benefits of scalability, device variety, and easy access outweigh the initial learning curve, making cloud based testing an asset for mobile app development.

What are the benefits of cloud based mobile app testing?

Cloud testing offers advantages such as 24/7 availability, time and cost savings, enhanced security, easy accessibility, real-time testing, and cost-effectiveness. 

How does cloud testing overcome challenges in mobile app testing?

Cloud testing addresses challenges like diverse OS and device combinations, global audience testing, and continuous integration by providing access to various devices, supporting stress and load testing, and facilitating agile methodologies.

How can developers determine if their app needs cloud testing?

Developers should consider factors such as target audience, operating system version, phone model and screen size, and frequency of feature changes to decide if cloud testing is necessary.

What are some drawbacks of cloud based mobile app testing?

Drawbacks include large bandwidth requirements, lack of backup in some tools, security concerns, and suitability for apps with frequent changes.