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Updated Sep 20, 2024 17 min read

Anton Bodnar

Comprehensive Guide to BDD Testing: Ensuring High-Quality Software

We will explore the significance of BDD testing in ensuring high-quality software. By following the principles of BDD, teams can effectively collaborate, improve communication, and deliver software that meets user expectations. Let's embark on this journey to understand the core concepts, techniques, and tools associated with BDD testing.

bdd testing

Have you ever thought about how to make the software development process more transparent and efficient for all project participants? The answer may lie in an approach known as Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). This method emphasizes creating a clear understanding of the behavior of the software product through collaborative efforts between developers, QA specialists, and non-technical stakeholders such as business analysts or clients. By focusing on defining behavior in terms of executable specifications, BDD encourages communication, alignment of objectives, and early validation of requirements. This collaborative approach fosters a shared understanding of the project's goals and ensures that the delivered software meets the desired outcomes. 

We will explore the significance of BDD testing in ensuring high-quality software. By following the principles of BDD, teams can effectively collaborate, improve communication, and deliver software that meets user expectations. Let's embark on this journey to understand the core concepts, techniques, and tools associated with BDD testing.   


What is BDD Testing?   

BDD is a software development process that promotes collaboration among developers, quality assurance experts, and customer representatives. It emphasizes conversation and concrete examples to establish a shared understanding of the desired application behavior. BDD builds upon test-driven development (TDD) principles and can be integrated into an agile software development process. It combines techniques from TDD, domain-driven design, and object-oriented analysis and design to facilitate collaboration and provide a shared framework for software development.   

While BDD is primarily a concept for managing software development, its implementation involves using specialized software tools. These tools support the BDD process and often provide automation capabilities. They are designed to enhance the use of a shared language, a fundamental aspect of BDD.                                                

BDD relies on a simple domain-specific language (DSL) that uses natural-language constructs, such as English-like sentences, to describe behavior and expected outcomes. This DSL enables the expression of requirements and specifications in a format that is accessible to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Test scripts, which have traditionally utilized DSLs to varying degrees, are a common application of BDD.       

BDD is particularly effective in addressing complex business problems where the problem space is intricate and requires a deep understanding. BDD helps teams develop software that aligns with business needs and meets customer expectations by fostering collaboration, providing a shared language, and leveraging automation tools.  

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The Benefits of BDD Testing   

It offers several benefits that contribute to software development projects' overall quality and success. Here are some key advantages:   


Enhanced Collaboration: BDD testing promotes collaboration between developers, testers, business analysts, and stakeholders. By using a common language and understanding, all team members can participate in defining and validating the software's expected behavior.   


User-Centric Approach: BDD testing focuses on capturing the desired behavior of the software from the user's perspective. 


Early Bug Detection: BDD software testing encourages writing tests before implementing the functionality. This early involvement in testing helps identify and address potential issues or bugs, saving time and effort in the long run.    


Up-to-Date Documentation: BDD tests are living documentation that remains up to date with the evolving software. They provide an executable specification that can be used to verify the system's behavior and serve as a valuable reference for future development and maintenance.  


Increased Test Coverage: BDD software testing promotes a comprehensive approach to testing by focusing on the software's desired behavior. It ensures that all critical scenarios are covered, improving test coverage and making software more robust.    

By adopting BDD software testing practices, software development teams can achieve higher levels of collaboration, clarity, and quality in their projects.    

Main Differences Between BDD and TDD  

TDD and BDD differ in their goals and emphasis on collaboration and understanding software behavior. TDD is a software development process requiring tests before writing code. The process begins by creating tests to verify the expected behavior of code that has yet to be written. Naturally, these tests fail initially. When the tests pass successfully, the code can be refined. 

BDD, on the other hand, is a variation or extension of TDD. However, BDD focuses on collaboration and understanding software behavior, so it utilizes different tools for implementation.  Explore our comprehensive software testing services for unparalleled quality assurance. Let excellence define your software.

Below is a table that outlines the distinctions between BDD and TDD: 


BDD Acceptance Tests and User Stories  

BDD tests and user stories are closely related and work together to ensure that software development teams build the right features and functionalities that meet the needs of the users. Let's explore the relationship between BDD acceptance tests and user stories:  

User Stories:  

User stories are short, simple descriptions of functionality from a user's perspective. User stories typically follow a specific format, such as: 

As a [user role],  

I want [a feature or functionality], 

So that [a benefit or value]

User stories capture a feature's "what" and "why," providing a high-level understanding of the desired outcome. They serve as a communication tool between the development team and stakeholders, ensuring that everyone understands the feature to be implemented. 

BDD Tests:  

BDD tests, also known as scenario tests or behavior tests, are written in a behavior-driven format using a tool like Cucumber or Jasmine. These tests are derived from user stories and provide a more detailed specification of the desired behavior. BDD tests focus on the "how" and "when" of a feature, describing the expected behavior of the software in specific scenarios.  

BDD tests are structured and use Given-When-Then clauses to define the initial state, actions, and expected outcomes. The development team and stakeholders often collaborate on these tests, ensuring that they reflect the shared understanding of the feature.   


The relationship between BDD tests and user stories is that the acceptance tests are derived from and aligned with the user stories. Each user story can have one or multiple acceptance tests associated with it, covering different scenarios and edge cases. The acceptance tests serve as concrete examples that validate the implementation of the user story.  

By connecting user stories with BDD tests, teams can ensure that the desired behavior is captured and tested effectively. The acceptance tests become executable specifications that document the expected behavior of the software, providing a reliable reference for development, testing, and future maintenance. If you’re interested in learning about the differences between Playwright vs Cypress, you should definitely read our article. Check out our detailed comparison to understand which tool might be the best fit for your testing needs.

 How to Write BDD Test Cases in Cucumber  

To write BDD test cases using Cucumber, you need to follow these steps:  

Step 1: Set up the Project 

To begin, start by setting up the project and installing the required dependencies. Ensure that you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. After that, create a new directory for your project and initialize it with npm.  

Next, install the Cucumber and any other required dependencies:  

You can now add more feature files and step definitions to extend your test suite. Remember to implement the necessary code in the step definitions to perform the required actions and assertions. This is a basic example to get started with Cucumber and BDD test cases. You can also read our article on how to write test cases for software testing


Next, install the Cucumber and any other required dependencies:  


Step 2: Create Feature Files 

Create a new directory called features inside your project. In this directory, create a feature file with a feature extension. For example, create a file named login.feature and add the following content:  


Step 3: Create Step Definitions 

Create step definition files that map the steps in the feature file to JavaScript code. These step definitions implement the actions and assertions for each step. Create a new directory called step definitions inside your project. In this directory, create a JavaScript file named login_steps.js (or any other appropriate name). Open the file and add the following content:  


Step 4: Run the Tests 

To run the Cucumber tests, you can use the cucumber-js command followed by the path to your feature files and step definitions.  


Cucumber will read the feature file, match the steps with the corresponding step definitions, and execute the defined code for each step. You can now add more feature files and step definitions to extend your test suite. Remember to implement the necessary code in the step definitions to perform the required actions and assertions. This is a basic example to get started with Cucumber.   

BDD Testing in JavaScript  

JavaScript is a popular programming language for web development, and there are frameworks and libraries available that support BDD testing in JavaScript. Some commonly used tools in JavaScript include:  


  • Jasmine: It is a BDD framework for testing JS code. It provides a readable syntax for writing BDD-style test cases in JavaScript.      
  • Mocha: Mocha is a flexible JavaScript testing framework that supports BDD-style testing. It provides a rich set of features, including support for asynchronous testing and multiple assertion libraries.  
  • Jest: Jest is a JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook. It combines the simplicity of Jasmine with additional features such as built-in code coverage, mocking, and snapshot testing.  
  • Cucumber.js: Cucumber.js is the JavaScript implementation of Cucumber, a popular BDD tool. It allows you to write feature files in Gherkin syntax and automate the execution of BDD scenarios in JavaScript.  

To implement BDD testing in JavaScript, you can choose one of these frameworks or tools based on your requirements and preferences. They provide the necessary functionality and syntax to write expressive BDD test cases in JavaScript. You can also read our guide how to perform UAT testing.

 BDD Best Practices

 When practicing BDD, several best practices can help teams effectively implement and derive maximum value from the methodology. Here are some BDD best practices:  

  • Shared Understanding: Establish a shared understanding of requirements using a common language and creating a ubiquitous language (a glossary of business terms).  
  • User Stories and Scenarios: Develop user stories that describe the desired behavior from the end user's perspective. Break down these user stories into concrete scenarios that define specific examples of behavior. To ensure clarity, scenarios should be written collaboratively and in a structured format, such as Given-When-Then. 
  • Continuous Collaboration: Maintain ongoing collaboration among team members throughout the development process. Regularly review and refine scenarios and specifications with stakeholders to keep everyone aligned and promptly address any changes or misunderstandings. 
  • Focus on Business Value: Prioritize scenarios and features based on their business value. Ensure the most critical and high-value scenarios are tested first, allowing for early feedback and risk mitigation. 
  • Continuous Integration: Integrate BDD tests into the continuous integration pipeline. Run the automated BDD tests regularly to provide fast feedback on the system's behavior, ensuring that any regressions are caught early in development. 
  • Feedback and Refinement: Embrace feedback from stakeholders, testers, and end users. Regularly review and refine the scenarios based on feedback and evolving requirements. BDD promotes an iterative approach, allowing for continuous improvement based on feedback. 

BDD offers a structured approach to software development that promotes collaboration, shared understanding, and a focus on delivering business value. By following best practices such as fostering collaboration, establishing a shared understanding, and continuously refining scenarios, teams can effectively implement BDD and derive maximum value from the methodology. Adopting BDD best practices leads to improved communication, faster feedback loops, and, ultimately, more successful software projects.  


In conclusion, BDD testing is a powerful approach for ensuring the high quality of software through effective collaboration, clear communication, and user-centric test scenarios. Following this comprehensive guide's principles and best practices, you can enhance your BDD testing skills and deliver exceptional software that meets user expectations. Integrate BDD testing into your software development process and experience the significant improvements it brings to your software delivery.  Have questions or need assistance? Contact us today. We're here to help you streamline your testing process and ensure the quality of your software projects.


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How does BDD integrate with automation testing?

BDD scenarios can be automated using tools like Selenium or Appium in conjunction with BDD frameworks such as Cucumber. Testers write scenarios in Gherkin, and the underlying steps are linked to automation code, allowing for behavior-driven test execution. 

Who should be involved in the BDD process?

BDD is a collaborative process that involves developers, testers, business analysts, and product owners. All team members contribute to defining the expected behavior of the software to ensure alignment between business requirements and technical implementation. 

Can BDD be used for both frontend and backend testing?

Yes, BDD can be applied to both frontend and backend testing. Whether you’re testing user interfaces, APIs, or business logic, BDD helps ensure that the software meets the desired behavior from an end user’s perspective. 

How do you write BDD Test Cases in Cucumber (JavaScript)?

To write BDD test cases in Cucumber for JavaScript, follow these steps: set up the project, create feature files in Gherkin syntax, create step definitions in JavaScript, and run the tests using a test runner. 

Is BDD suitable for all types of projects?

BDD is most beneficial for projects where collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders is critical. It may not be necessary for very small projects or where the team is highly technical and aligned without the need for formal behavior definitions.