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May 02, 2024 4 min read


Business Solutions





Implementation time:

Oct 2022 – present
Cover Agilelab

about company 

Witboost is an innovative company specializing in developing a modular platform for data engineering. Witboost offers modules that can be used as stand-alone solutions for individual tasks or combined to create an integrated platform that meets a company's needs. 


The project was already in production and had a customer base. Our specialist started the testing process from scratch. There was no test documentation on the project. However, unit tests were created, and the project team carried out acceptance and user testing. 

challenges and solutions 

Customers have determined that the main task for our QA specialist is to raise the level of product quality and automate the testing process. 

Test automation and general quality assurance processes played a key role in this project. Our expert conducted a detailed analysis of work processes and implemented a thorough software quality assurance process. During the work, some difficulties arose, which we would like to share with you. 



Lack of automated testing on the project 

To automate testing and obtain detailed reporting, Allure report was integrated using a web driver. This enabled the automatic generation of detailed test results reports nightly. In this way, the team can now detect and eliminate errors on time, improving the quality of the product 

No test environment created at the beginning of the project 

Due to the lack of a specialized test environment, all operations were performed directly on the development server. Later, at the request of our specialist, a separate test environment was implemented, and the entire dataset was transferred there 

Testing was not allocated to a separate sprint 

Test automation effectively optimized time resources, ensuring no delays 

Some parts of the product had Cloudflare's service protection, which blocked automation in testing 

API requests using the AXIOS library were adopted. This modification ensured reliable and efficient testing without conflicts with the protection system 

technologies, tools, and approaches 

A list of the following technologies was used in this project to achieve the specified goals: 


JavaScript: Utilized to write automated tests, manipulate the DOM on a web page, or interact with web applications.  


WebdriverIO: Employed to simulate user actions on the web page, checking compliance with the requirements and the correct operation of the application. 


Allure Report: With its help, clear and beautiful reports were created that facilitate test results analysis. 


GitLab Pages: Published test reports created using Allure Report or other tools.   


K6: Used to simulate a large number of users interacting with the system at the same time, helping to determine the performance and stability of the application.  

features of the project 

This project presents an embodiment of Big Data Science, which combines a deep architectural structure, several microservices, and a tool for a smooth transition between data storage models. Taking into account its unique complexity and key role, several features of the work on the project stand out:  


Security at the highest level: Penetration testing was conducted using a JWT token. The Burpsuite toolkit allows you to modify the token's header, body, and keys, providing a detailed analysis of security aspects. 


Efficiency through automation: Implemented an automated framework that enables automated testing to be initiated, ensuring consistency and speed of the process. 


The power of teamwork: Despite the many developers, participation in the project was not challenging. This is thanks to a team of professionals who were competent and open to cooperation and mutual assistance. 


  • A system of automated testing has been implemented. Thanks to this, the customer can confidently maintain a high product quality in the future.  
  • 62 test scenarios were developed, of which 51 were successfully automated, which provided the client with high efficiency and speed of verification. 
  • More than 80 bug reports were written, which ensured the client improved product quality and reduced risks for end users. 
  • Penetration testing was carried out, which ensured the maximum level of product safety. 
  • Before each release, the customer receives a real and actual report of the manually executed testing cycle. 
Services provided
  • Manual testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Regression testing
  • Functional testing
  • Automation testing
  • Usability testing
  • Performance testing
QA Technologies used
  • true icon
  • true icon
  • true icon

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