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Sep 14, 2023 3 min read

Enhanced Quality Assurance for QuickPlug

Business Solutions


Web, Mobile



Implementation time:

Apr 2023 – Jul 2023
Cover QuickPlug

about company

QuickPlug creates pre-configured templates incorporating proprietary software products to efficiently and quickly implement SAP mobile processes within the business's logistics, production, maintenance, and control areas.


Initially, the project staff included four testers working on an outdated platform. In response to the development of a new platform, the need arose to engage external experts capable of creating a testing architecture from scratch. That's why the customer did not provide a specific request for the scope of work at first. There was no design and test documentation. Only the requirements for the new platform were available.

challenges and solutions

To create a testing architecture for the new platform, the customer used the services of Luxe Quality, which provided three specialists: a QA auditor, a QA architect, and a QA automation engineer. The QA auditor analyzed the project using a Gantt chart developed for the project tasks and determined the scope and timing of testing. He also assigned roles and tasks to the QA leader and automation QA engineer and devised a plan for integrating automated testing on the new platform. Based on the audit results, recommendations were formulated to improve testing efficiency.

We will share with you some aspects of the work on this project.



Create a test architecture on the project in development. 

Development of a detailed Gantt Chart, which subsequently acted as a schematic test plan. Both testing and general analysis of the program and services were carried out. 

Building management on the project.

Attending daily meetings, managing, consulting, training a test team that tested the old platform. 

There was no test documentation on the project. 

Creation of structure, documentation, framework, and selection of tools for writing tests and their further automation. Development of test infrastructure, writing manuals and auto tests. 

There was no test environment on the project. 

Creation of a test environment for 4 types of testing: web, mobile, desktop and API. 

The need for API testing on a large scale. 

Implementation of the Mockoon service for testing different types of API requests. Testing was carried out in a test environment, on a pipeline, emulators. 

Many test environments for 4 kinds of different platforms and application levels. 

Integration testing was carried out covering a wide range of device types, supported by the development of automated test suites adapted for various platforms. These platforms included the web, mobile devices, APIs, and desktops. Autotests were easily connected to a CI/CD service-based (Azure pipeline). This approach thoroughly checked the interaction between different components of various devices. 

Difficulties with taking selectors related to the construction of the architecture of automated testing at the interface level (UI). 

Based on our recommendation, the customer set test-id attributes, which are special labels or identifiers that are added to elements in the code of a web page or application. This was done in order to facilitate automated testing in the future. 

technologies, tools and approaches

  • Manual testing: Microsoft 365 and Teams, Android Studio, Postman and Axios, Mockoon. 
  • Automated testing: + TypeScript, VS Code, Allure and JUnit Report, Appium, Bitbucket, Azure and GitHub, BrowserStack and Sauce Labs, Sauselab. 


After the implementation of test automation, the customer received the following:   

  • 15+ test cases were created for each type of testing;
  • 50+ test cases were automated, which increased the efficiency of testing;
  • 25+ bug reports were found on the way, but the project is in development, so the testing stage was not the main task;
  • Developed a well-configured reporting system;
  • Implemented CRUD using a mock server. 

features of the project

The main challenge was not only testing. Starting with the QA audit of the project and ending with the creation and configuration of the automated testing process, the client received a fully developed and configured automated testing process from scratch. As a result of these efforts, we successfully implemented the TestOps process. In addition, the project had many requirements for different platforms and environments.


1. Onboarding to the project

Familiarization with the objectives, scope, requirements, and project plan, which provided a clear understanding of the project context.

2. Creation of test documentation

A complete test documentation was created detailing the testing strategy, scope, objectives, and methodologies applied during the project.

3. Creation of test infrastructure

A robust test infrastructure was created, including the tools, environments, and resources required for effective testing on various platforms.

4. Web, Mobile, and Desktop testing

Specialized frameworks were developed for testing that provide a structured approach to creating, executing, and managing test cases.

5. API testing

A framework with a mockup server was created for thorough testing of API functionality to test interaction and data exchange.

6. Manual testing

Manual testing processes were described, and comprehensive test cases were developed to help testers test application functions and scripts manually.

7. Automated testing

Automated testing guidelines were described, and test cases were created to systematically test application components and behavior

8. Integration with Azure Pipeline

Seamless integration with Azure Pipeline was implemented to automate test execution, ensuring continuity of the integration and delivery process and prompt feedback.
Services provided
  • Manual testing
  • Automation testing
  • API testing
QA Technologies used
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