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Jun 07, 2024 3 min read

Testing on the MindFit, a web resource for improving mental and physical performance






Implementation time:

Oct 2022 - present
Mind Fit

about company

MindFit is a healthcare company dedicated to enhancing mental fitness alongside physical health. Integrating innovative mental training techniques with traditional fitness routines, designs personalized programs to strengthen cognitive abilities, reduce stress, and improve overall mental well-being. 


The project has already been released to the market. There was no testing team, and the product owner did the testing himself. 

challenges and solutions 

Luxe Quality provided a QA engineer to create comprehensive documentation and build a structured testing process from scratch. The QA engineer was tasked with thoroughly testing the product's functionality and creating detailed manual test cases, which were subsequently automated.

We will share with you some aspects of the work on this project. 



Problems with displaying application design on different devices and browsers  

Testing with Playwright's inbuilt library for accurate and automated visual comparison of screenshots of the source file in a design

Encountered difficulties with loading page elements, including logos, which affected the website's visual presentation on WordPress 

Implemented a flexible method of waiting for page elements, focusing on visual regression testing as part of the overall regression testing strategy  

Challenges maintaining consistent visuals across pages with dynamic content on a WordPress site 

Developed a tailored visual regression testing framework that accommodated the dynamic nature of the content, ensuring a reliable comparison of expected and actual visual outcomes 

Testing was required on different browsers and mobile devices 

Used the built-in option of Playwright to run the tests on different browsers and simulate mobile viewing, which in turn still required updating the tests because there is a different logic with mobile viewing 

technologies, tools, and approaches 

In the project, TypeScript served as the primary language for automation, and the Playwright framework was utilized to conduct automated testing. The focus of automation was exclusively on the web platform. The testing approach included a combination of Smoke, Regression, and UI/UX testing. 

Postman helped become familiar with HTTP requests by providing a convenient visual interface, and Axios was used in a programming context to more directly interact with requests from code. The version control system used was Bitbucket and the CI/CD pipeline was set up using Bitbucket Pipeline.  


  • 30+ bug reports: bug reports generated since the bug reporting system was improved show that many issues on the site have been found and fixed.   
  • A total of 220 tests were performed, more than 60 were automated: This comprehensive approach enabled efficient and thorough website functionality testing, ensuring potential issues were identified and resolved during development and in the future.  
  • Testing on CI was configured: Successfully configured testing on CI, enabling automatic testing of post-code changes. This facilitated rapid bug detection and fixing, supporting a seamless development cycle and enhancing user experience.  
  • Stable Operation: Achieved flawless site operation without user complaints over 6 months. Demonstrated the effectiveness of the testing strategy in maintaining a stable and user-friendly platform. 
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Detected and resolved 15 potential issues during the testing phase before deployment. Proactively addressed potential challenges, minimizing the likelihood of user-facing problems post-deployment.  

Implementation Steps

1. Project Onboarding 

Gained insights into project goals and team structure. Established initial communication channels for effective collaboration.  

2. Technology and Tool Setup 

Installed and configured essential tools and technologies: TypeScript, Playwright, Postman, and Axios. Integrated the project with Bitbucket for version control.  

3. Requirements Analysis and Test Planning 

Conducted a detailed analysis of project requirements. Formulated a comprehensive test plan outlining testing scope and types.  Identified and set up testing environments, including staging and production. 

4. Checklist and Automation Script Development  

Developed an exhaustive checklist covering functional, regression, and visual testing requirements and scripted automated tests using TypeScript and the Playwright framework.  

5. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Setup 

Implemented CI/CD processes using Bitbucket Pipeline. Integrated automated tests into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous feedback.

6. Reporting and Documentation  

Implemented reporting using Allure for comprehensive and visually appealing reports. Documented test results, identified issues, and resolutions. 
Services provided
  • Manual testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Regression testing
  • Automation testing
  • UI/UX testing
  • Cross-browser testing
QA Technologies used
  • true icon
  • true icon

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