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Aug 18, 2023 4 min read







Implementation time:

Aug 2022 - Present
Cover CultBooking

about company

The CultBooking company provides hotels with a simple and effective solution - a relatively ready-made website with the possibility of booking hotel rooms. Hotels do not need to build their site from scratch, but they get functionality limited to displaying hotel rooms and allowing users to book them. With this simple and user-friendly tool, hotels can effectively manage reservations and provide a convenient booking process for their customers.


Developers carried out manual integration testing. At that time, there was no test documentation, but the developers described the structure and properties of the API in a unified format using Swagger (OpenAPI). Before the arrival of our specialist, automatic API testing was not carried out.

challenges and solutions

Our specialist was tasked with creating smoke tests for all APIs. In parallel with this, sometimes QA processes were also carried out. During the work, some challenges arose that we would like to share:



The need for improved accuracy and clarity of documentation 

The documentation has been improved by creating a series of related issues on GitLab. Each issue contains a description of the location and the author's vision of how exactly the functionality of this or that endpoint should be described 

The need to make a different structure of tests for different environments and have feedback for each separately 

Smoke tests were created for staging and production versions of the API. Each of them has its Allure report, which, in turn, is available from a separate dashboard site or via a direct link from the README 

Comprehensive information about the API itself is not always available 

The problem was partially solved by updating the descriptions in Swagger and asking questions directly to the developers and the customer 

technologies, tools, and approaches 

The JavaScript programming language was combined with the Newman, Allure frameworks and the internal test writing in Postman for automation. For better work organization, Gmail and Outlook were used to create emails for testing.

features of the project 

A combination of Postman, Newman, and Allure was used for Integration testing. Before each endpoint launch, all necessary elements were automatically created and deleted automatically after launch. This made it possible to identify and solve some problems that arose during a specific interaction of several endpoints. 


  • 300 bug reports: More than 300 bug reports indicate that the QA has identified and documented many problems in the software product. This lets developers clearly understand where problems exist and leads to quick fixes. 
  • 600 test cases were executed, with 600 of them being automated. Thanks to established autotests, the customer can always be sure that his product will be tested and will not be sent to production with critical bugs. 
  • Integration testing was provided: this process ensured the verification of the interaction of the components and modules of the software product for the harmonious and uninterrupted operation of the system as a whole.
Services provided
  • Manual testing
  • Smoke testing
  • Functional testing
  • Automation testing
  • API testing
  • Integration testing
QA Technologies used
  • true icon
  • true icon

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