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Updated Jul 23, 2024 17 min read

Volodymyr Klymenko
CEO, Senior QA

How to Manage QA Team: A Comprehensive Guide

The article "How to Manage a QA Team" offers insights into forming and guiding a quality assurance team in software development. It distinguishes between QA engineers and testers, underlining the integration of QA across all stages of the software development lifecycle. Key focuses include team building, skill development, effective communication, structured processes, and interdepartmental collaboration. The piece also explores common challenges in QA management and strategies for enhancing team performance, emphasizing the essential role of QA in maintaining software quality and competitiveness.

How to Manage QA Team: A Comprehensive Guide

In today's fast-paced business environment, the importance of adept management cannot be overstated. It stands at the core of operational excellence, serving as the linchpin for efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage. The strategic orchestration of resources, effective communication, and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing market demands are hallmarks of proficient management. Delving deeper into the nuances of building a successful strategy, an insightful Forbes article sheds light on the critical management aspects modern leaders can adopt to navigate the complexities of contemporary business landscapes. Drawing from this, our upcoming discussion will pivot to quality assurance, exploring how to build a QA team from scratch and laying down a robust foundation for delivering impeccable products and services. 

The Role of QA in the Software Development 

The Quality Assurance process is not just a phase in the SDLC. It is an integral component that weaves through the SDLC, ensuring the end product's reliability and functionality. From the initial requirements gathering to the deployment and maintenance stages, QA is the guardian of user satisfaction and software integrity. 


Planning Phase: Testers review and update the project plan, focusing on test strategies and resource allocation for the QA process. 


Requirement Definition: Testers collaborate in analyzing requirements for clarity, feasibility, and testability. They may also begin to identify potential test scenarios based on the requirements. 


Design and Prototyping: During this phase, testers work closely with developers to understand the design, ensuring it aligns with testability. They may also validate prototypes to confirm they meet the outlined requirements. 


Rapid Software Development: Testers continuously test the product, providing immediate feedback on the rapidly developed features. They make certain that each iteration meets the quality standards before moving to the next. 


Testing and Quality Assurance: This phase is central to testers, who execute detailed test cases, report defects, perform regression testing, and verify bug fixes to ensure the software is of high quality. 


Deployment: In the deployment phase, testers ensure that the software operates correctly in the production environment through deployment verification and sanity checks. 


Operations and Maintenance: Testers continue testing the system for post-deployment issues, service patches, or updates. They engage in acceptance testing for any new features added. 

By integrating QA throughout the SDLC, businesses can avoid the costly and time-consuming process of rectifying errors in production and ensure a smooth user experience. This is vital in today's market, where the user's trust is hard-won and easily lost. Understanding how to manage a QA team effectively is equally critical as it enables the consistent delivery of quality software by fostering a proactive, skilled, and well-coordinated testing effort. 

Key Differences Between a QA Engineer and a Tester 

When delving into the world of software quality, it's important to distinguish between QAs and testers. While both play pivotal roles in software development, their responsibilities and objectives differ significantly. 

This diagram typically represents a subset relationship where the QA engineer encompasses the roles of QC engineer and Tester. It means that  responsibilities of a QA engineer cover those of the other two roles. 

Quality Assurance is a systematic process that covers all aspects of the SDLC, ensuring that the software meets the established quality standards. It is a preventive process that aims to provide quality for all parts of the development process.   

Quality Control refers to those capable of creating and maintaining test cases, conducting exploratory testing, etc. They can produce test documentation (test plans, test suites, end-to-end scenarios). These are experienced testers who can create documentation and manage a team of testers (team lead). 

On the other hand, Testers are the professionals who execute only the testing phase of the QA process. They are the ones who carry out the hands-on work of finding bugs or defects in the software before it goes live. The focus is identifying specific issues within a piece of software under development.  

When considering how to build a software QA team, hiring and growing skilled testers is an integral component, as they are instrumental in the quality verification part of the process. A QA specialist can handle QC and Tester responsibilities, but this is never the reverse. 

Here's a comparative table highlighting the primary differences: 


Quality Assurance (QA) 

Quality Control (QC) 



Ensure the overall quality of the software development process. 

Identify and report specific defects in the software. 

Execute test cases and report on the specific functionality of the software. 


Process-oriented – aims to prevent defects. 

Product-oriented – aims to detect defects. 

Execution-oriented – focuses on running the defined tests and identifying bugs. 


Covers a broader scope, including policy development, process improvement, and training. 

Focused on creating and executing test cases, reporting bugs, and verifying fixes. 

Primarily responsible for test case execution and initial discovery of defects. 


Process and documentation audits, defining and implementing processes and standards, risk management. 

Test planning, test design, test execution, bug reporting. 

Test execution, bug reporting, and often participates in test case creation. 


A reliable, repeatable, and efficient development process that minimizes the likelihood of defects. 

A software product that has been thoroughly tested for defects before release. 

Direct feedback on the software's functionality and identification of potential issues. 

In the end, QAs and QCs are integral to delivering high-quality software. QA ensures the software development process is sound, while testers ensure the final product functions as intended. Understanding both roles and how they complement each other is essential for any team aiming for excellence in software development. 

Building a QA Team: Finding the Right Talent and Skill 

Building a QA team with the right mix of skills and attributes is imperative. Here's a structured approach to assembling a team that can uphold the highest quality standards:  


Sourcing Talent: Begin by identifying the channels for recruitment. Look for professionals on tech job boards and social media platforms like LinkedIn, or engage with staffing agencies specializing in IT roles. Tech meetups, conferences, and online forums can also be rich hunting grounds for QA talent. 


Key Professional Skills: Candidates should demonstrate a strong knowledge of QA methodologies and of the SDLC.  


Communication Skills: Clear communication is non-negotiable. The ability to document findings, articulate complex issues, and collaborate across departments is essential for a QA team's success. 


Leadership and Team Building: The question of how to manage a QA team involves identifying individuals who can lead. This includes fostering teamwork, setting clear goals, and providing the team with the resources and support needed to achieve them. 


Cultural Fit and Adaptability: It is crucial that the team is not only aligned with the company's core culture and values but also possesses a high degree of adaptability to the unique workflows and nuances of the project at hand. This includes the ability to integrate seamlessly with existing team members, embrace project-specific processes, and contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment. 


Continuous Learning and Improvement: Encourage ongoing education and professional development. The field of QA is dynamic, and a team that keeps pace with industry changes will add immense value to your software development efforts. 

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How much does poor software quality cost you? Find out how to save money by implementing testing. 

Following this structured approach, you can build a QA team equipped with the right blend of technical prowess, and communication skills. This team will not only ensure the quality of your software but will also adapt and evolve with the changing landscape of technology. If you're keen to learn how to select the right software testing company, delve into our insightful article here

Structure and Hierarchy in a QA Team 

Creating an effective QA team is fundamental for software development success. The process begins with understanding how to build a QA team, which involves assembling a group of professionals whose skills complement each other. 

Once the team is in place, knowledge/understanding on how to manage a QA team becomes the focal point of ensuring operational success. Effective management hinges on a well-defined structure and clear hierarchy within the QA department. Here's a breakdown of a typical QA team structure: 

  1. QA Engineer/Architect/Analyst: At the pinnacle of the QA team hierarchy, the QA Architect runs the QA strategy and aligns the team's goals with broader business objectives.  
  2. QA Leads/QC Leads: Reporting to the QA Architect, QA Leads or QC Leads orchestrate the day-to-day testing efforts and translate the QA Manager's strategy into actionable tasks. 
  3. QC Engineers/Testers: The bulk of the team comprises QC Engineers or Testers who implement the testing plans by writing and executing test cases, logging bugs, and verifying resolutions. 
  4. Specialized Testers: Within the team there are roles such as AQA Engineers, who focus on building and maintaining automated test frameworks, and Performance and Security QC Engineers, who ensure the application can handle the expected load. 

Each role within the QA hierarchy is essential, with team members working collaboratively to uphold quality standards. The key to a successful QA team lies not just in the individual skills of its members but also in how those skills are harnessed through effective management practices. Therefore, understanding how to manage a QA team is as vital as the team's construction, requiring clear communication, established processes, and a unified dedication to quality assurance throughout the SDLC. 

Setting Up Processes and Procedures 

Knowing how to manage a QA team involves meticulously defining the protocols that ensure every piece of code is scrutinized for quality before being shipped. This not only pertains to setting up systematic procedures but also to the detailed documentation and knowledge management that preserves the integrity of the testing process. Let's take a closer look at the various configuration processes and procedures. 

Documentation and Knowledge Management 

The backbone of any successful QA strategy lies in its documentation and knowledge management. This ensures that every team member, current and future, has access to the same information, methodologies, and insights. As we explore how to build a QA team, we recognize that comprehensive documentation is critical to maintaining continuity, facilitating onboarding, and preserving the team's collective wisdom. 

Fitting QA into Project Methodologies 

Incorporating methodologies accepted on the project into QA practices allows for flexibility and adaptability within the team. Agile QA processes enable teams to respond to changes quickly, streamline communication, and enhance product quality. For those learning how to manage a QA team, embedding agile principles from the beginning can cultivate a dynamic environment that thrives on collaboration and continuous improvement. 

Ensuring Quality Through Collaboration with Other Departments 

Effective QA management extends beyond the confines of the team. It involves seamless collaboration with developers, project and product managers (PMs), and other stakeholders. This interdepartmental engagement ensures that the QA process is integrated and enhances the overall development lifecycle. When planning how to build a QA team, consider how the team will interact with and support other departments, underpinning the team's role as a unifying force for quality across the entire project. 

Communication and Expectation Management 

Clear communication channels and proactive expectation management are vital for a QA team's success. This involves regular updates, feedback loops, and synchronization meetings with all involved parties. A QA team that communicates effectively can better manage expectations and deliver on the project's quality objectives. 

Measuring the Effectiveness of a QA Team 

Evaluating the effectiveness of a QA team is essential for ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. This evaluation is based on specific metrics that provide insights into the team's performance and the product quality being tested. 

Definition of Metrics

Test Coverage: All available sections, elements, and functions of the software are cataloged to create a test coverage matrix. This matrix is designed to assess how comprehensively the tests cover the software. It identifies which areas are adequately covered by existing test cases and which areas are lacking, necessitating the creation of additional documentation. 

Practical Example: The objective is to ensure coverage as defined in the test strategy or test plan, aiming to achieve the level of coverage established by high-level test documentation (such as the test plan and test strategy). 

Defect Density: This metric indicates the number of defects found per unit of the software size (commonly per kilo lines of code - KLOC). It helps in understanding the concentration of defects in the codebase. 

Practical Example: If 50 defects are discovered in a software module with 10,000 lines of code, the defect density would be 5 defects/KLOC. 

Defect Leakage: This metric tracks the number of defects missed during testing and found after the software is released. It's a critical measure of the testing thoroughness. 

Practical Example: Consider a scenario where, before release, testers identify, and developers fix a total of 100 bugs. Subsequently, after the release, 10 previously undetected bugs came to light. This implies that testers missed 10% of the bugs. Such an outcome is considered acceptable, as none of these bugs are critical. 

Defect Discovery Trend: Monitoring when defects are discovered helps optimize the test phases. For instance, many defects found late in the cycle could indicate ineffective testing in earlier stages. 

Practical Example: If a team finds 70% of the total defects in the first half of the testing cycle and the remaining 30% in the latter half, it indicates a healthy discovery trend. However, if the pattern is reversed, the early testing stages may be less effective. 

Automated Test Proportion: The ratio of automated tests to the total number of tests indicates the test automation level. 

Practical Example: If a QA team has a suite of 1000 tests and 700 are automated, the automated test proportion is 70%. This indicates a high level of test automation, which can significantly increase test efficiency. 

By closely monitoring these metrics, QA teams can continually refine their testing processes. This enhances the QA team's effectiveness and contributes to the overall goal of releasing a robust and reliable software product. 

Common Challenges and Mistakes in Managing a QA Team 

Managing a QA team involves navigating a complex landscape of technical, interpersonal, and procedural challenges. Here are some of the main pitfalls and difficulties that managers often encounter: 


Underestimating the Importance of Clear Communication: Communication gaps between the QA team, developers, and other stakeholders can lead to misunderstandings, overlooked defects, and misaligned goals. Establishing effective communication channels and ensuring everyone is on the same page is paramount. 


Neglecting Team Training and Development: QA methodologies and tools evolve rapidly. Investing in regular training and skill development can ensure your team is caught up in current best practices, impacting testing quality. 


Inadequate Resource Allocation: This includes both under-staffing and over-staffing. Having too few team members can lead to burnout and missed defects, while too many can lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources. 


Lack of a Structured Testing Process: With a well-defined testing process, QA activities can be smooth and consistent. This might result in missing critical bugs and a decrease in software quality. 


Insufficient Testing Coverage: Failing to adequately cover all aspects of the software, including edge cases, can lead to significant issues in production. It's vital to ensure comprehensive test coverage. 


Ignoring the Importance of Manual Testing: Over-reliance on automated testing can be detrimental. While automation is efficient for specific tasks, manual testing is pivotal for usability and exploratory testing. 


Not Balancing Speed with Quality: In fast-paced development environments, there's often pressure to rush QA processes. This can compromise the thoroughness of testing, leading to subpar product quality. 


Failure to Develop a Positive Team Culture: The morale and motivation of the QA team are essential for high performance. Neglecting team dynamics and not addressing conflict or burnout can lead to decreased productivity and quality of work. 

By being aware of and actively addressing these challenges, QA team managers can significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their teams, leading to better software quality and team satisfaction. 

Optimizing QA Team Performance through Strategic Motivation 

Creating a strong culture within a QA team goes beyond just the technical aspects of quality assurance. It's about fostering an environment where open communication and an organized process lead to motivated team members. This can significantly enhance productivity, bridging any gaps that might arise from outsourcing QA tasks. Here's a guide to boosting team spirit and efficiency: 


Streamline Daily Status Updates: Ensure visibility with succinct daily status reports. This keeps everyone informed on the team's progress, outlining completed tasks, the current day's objectives, and any impediments. Such transparency keeps the team aligned and can encourage QA testers to tackle more challenging tasks, enhancing their engagement and productivity. 


Conduct Thorough Risk Analysis for Leadership: Effective QA management involves identifying and prioritizing potential software risks based on their threat to the development cycle. Clarifying risks such as testing timelines, client delivery expectations, and incomplete requirements can aid in task delegation and maintain clarity across all professional spheres involved in the project. 


Stimulate Cross-Functional Communication: Time is of the essence in QA testing. By involving developers, business analysts, and product managers in relevant discussions, you can provide your QA team with the insights they need to efficiently test cases or address software issues, potentially saving hours of frustration and boosting productivity. 


Lead Focused Daily Stand-Up Meetings: Keep your stand-ups concise and action-oriented. Use these gatherings for QA testers to highlight completed tasks, pinpoint bottlenecks, and devise strategies to overcome obstacles. Augment motivation by incorporating weekly and monthly sessions to track milestones, recognize top performers, and align tasks with the tester's expertise and interest. 


Pre-Distribute Meeting Agendas: Giving QA testers a heads-up on meeting topics allows them to prepare effectively. Encouraging them to contribute to the agenda can cherish a sense of ownership and collaboration. A follow-up report with protocols and helpful bullet points to keep everyone on the same page, strengthening team focus and collaborative efforts. 


Personalized One-On-One Engagement: Invest in individual dialogues to truly understand how to energize your team. Regularly discuss performance and aspirations with each QA engineer. Support their professional growth and provide opportunities that align with their ambitions, which can enhance their commitment to the team and the project. 


Mind Your Communication Style: How you interact with your team can make or break their motivation. Reflect on your communication and management style. Are you approachable and supportive? Your demeanor could be the key to promoting a motivated team, ensuring your message is heard and inspires testers to concentrate on their work rather than seeking opportunities elsewhere. 

Incorporating these strategies can lead to a more engaged and effective QA team. 


In conclusion, managing a QA team effectively hinges on clear communication, continuous skill development, and balancing manual and automated testing methods. Understanding the distinction between QA and testing is essential, as is integrating these processes throughout the software development lifecycle for optimal results. Addressing common challenges, such as resource allocation and maintaining team morale, is fundamental for success. Ultimately, successful QA management ensures software quality and promotes a team environment conducive to continuous learning and improvement, significantly contributing to the organization's overall success. 


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What are the key qualities to look for in a QA team member?

Look for attention to detail, analytical skills, technical proficiency, excellent communication, and a problem-solving mindset. Adaptability and a willingness to learn are also vital as QA methodologies and technologies constantly evolve. 

How do you effectively communicate with a QA team?

Clear, concise communication is vital. Use communication tools like Teams, Slack Zoom, Discord, etc., project management software, and regular meetings. Encourage open dialogue, provide constructive feedback, and be open to receiving feedback from team members. 

How can you maintain high morale in a QA team?

Recognize and celebrate successes, provide opportunities for professional growth, maintain a positive work environment, and ensure a good work-life balance. Encourage teamwork and provide support in challenging situations. 

What metrics are important to track in QA team management?

Key metrics include defect density, test coverage, pass/fail rates, time to fix defects, and team velocity. These metrics help evaluate the QA process's effectiveness and the team's performance. 

How do you handle conflicts within a QA team?

Address conflicts promptly and objectively. Encourage open communication to understand different perspectives. Mediate to find a mutually acceptable solution and foster a culture of respect and collaboration.