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Updated Sep 22, 2024 12 min read

Anton Bodnar

Best API Security Testing Tools and How to Choose Them

This article will cover the best tools for keeping organizational APIs safe.


APIs have become a familiar vector of attack in cybersecurity, posing severe enterprise risks. A poorly composed or insecure API endpoint can lead to data loss and the immediate erosion of customer trust. Recent data has shown that 60% of organizations have faced API-related incidents over the last two years, with 74% having encountered three or more breaches and 23% more than six. These figures show a vast API security gap that needs immediate attention.   

Attacks on APIs can also have disastrous consequences, from financial losses to damage to brand reputation. Hence, securing APIs is not an option but a habit that must be cared for. Overall, API security best practices and standards are not just guidelines but an urgent requirement for any organization that exposes APIs internally or externally. Fortunately, various API security testing tools exist to address these concerns. This article will discuss the most popular tools for protecting organizational APIs. 

Understanding API Security 

API security entails measures taken to prevent or reduce attacks on APIs. APIs play a crucial role as applications' backbone architecture. Therefore, ensuring the protection of the sensitive data they handle is essential. Utilizing API security testing tools is a recommended practice.  

An API serves as an interface defining how different software components interact. It governs the types of requests exchanged between applications, the methods used for these interactions, and the data formats involved. APIs are widely employed on websites and in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where they facilitate data collection, processing, and user input within the API ecosystem. For instance, APIs are vulnerable to various types of attacks that can compromise security and functionality. Some common API attacks include:  

  • DoS/DDoS Attacks: Attackers overwhelm the API with a flood of requests, making the system unresponsive or unavailable.  
  • Code Injection: Malicious actors insert harmful code, such as SQL injection or Cross-Site Scripting, via API requests, potentially compromising the system.  
  • Man-in-the-Middle: Attackers intercept data between the client and server during API communication, leading to the theft of sensitive information.  
  • Brute Force Attacks: Automated attempts to guess login credentials by repeatedly sending API requests with different combinations.  
  • Data Exposure: Misconfigured or insufficiently protected APIs can inadvertently expose sensitive information like user data or system files.  
  • Request Smuggling: Attackers manipulate the structure of HTTP requests, confusing the server and allowing unauthorized commands.  
  • Replay Attacks: Malicious actors capture valid requests or authentication tokens and resend them to gain unauthorized access.  
  • Mass Assignment: When an API fails to validate input, attackers can modify critical parameters, potentially changing sensitive data or system behavior.  

Understanding and mitigating these risks is critical for a secure API environment. 

Importance of API Security Testing Tools 

API security tools for testing are crucial for safeguarding APIs. These tools effectively identify and secure vulnerabilities before malicious individuals can exploit them, achieved through the automation of various security protocols.   

1. Safeguarding Sensitive Data   

Since APIs handle sensitive information like passwords, login credentials, and personal financial data, robust API security tools can prevent unauthorized access and maintain data confidentiality to prevent breaches.   

2. Preventing Unauthorized Entry   

As APIs connect internal systems and external interfaces, robust API security measures ensure that unauthorized parties and applications cannot access systems, averting disruptions and tampering.   

3. Mitigating Security Risks 

Developers can proactively pinpoint vulnerabilities in their systems or applications by employing API testing tools. It allows them to address weaknesses before cybercriminals exploit them, effectively reducing the attack surface and enhancing system security.   

4. Fostering Trust and Compliance   

Maintaining data security within APIs is fundamental for businesses to instill confidence in their partners and customers. Furthermore, thorough API security testing can effectively manage adherence to data protection regulations, facilitating regulatory compliance.   

At Luxe Quality, we understand the importance of building and securing APIs. That's why we dedicate much of our resources to educating and upskilling our specialists on API security principles. By investing in the right tools and practices, we help ensure that your APIs are functional and safeguarded against potential threats. 

Classification of API Security Testing Tools 

API security testing tools can be classified into several categories with unique features and purposes. 




Static Analysis Tools (SAST) 

These tools analyze the API's source code for vulnerabilities before the application is deployed. They are effective in identifying issues like SQL injections or unauthorized API calls during the development phase. 

SonarQube is a tool that enables project analysis and identifies potential problems during the development stage. 

Dynamic Analysis Tools (DAST) 

These tools conduct testing through the API interface by simulating attacker behavior. They identify vulnerabilities by interacting with the application in real-time. 

Postman offers API testing and monitoring, allowing you to simulate requests, check responses, and ensure API behavior under different conditions. 

Penetration Testing Tools 

These more advanced tools combine both static and dynamic analysis to simulate attacks on the API, aiming to uncover vulnerabilities. 

Burp Suite is a powerful security tool that includes both scanning capabilities and manual testing tools to ensure API security. 

Best API Security Tools Reviews 

The following list compiled by our testers has been selected among top security testing tools for APIs that feature heavily on the basis of their features, ease of use, and effectiveness in identifying vulnerabilities (explore our API testing services to see how we can assist with your API testing needs). Here are the best API security testing tools: 


Postman is a popular API development environment that boasts exceptional testing features. It enables users to effortlessly create, share, and automate API tests. Its flexibility and robust capabilities make it a top choice for API security testing. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated testing with Newman 
  • Seamless integration with CI/CD 
  • Comprehensive test report 
  • Collaborative features for team testing 



User-friendly and intuitive interface. 

Limited focus on documentation and design frameworks. 

Support for both REST and SOAP APIs. 

Issues with version control in team settings. 

A thriving community of users. 

Issues with maintaining and updating API documentation. 

Burp Suite 

Burp Suite is a feature-rich tool for advanced API security testing and web application scanning. This comprehensive software is a reliable API vulnerability scanner used extensively in penetration testing. 

Key Features:  

  • Automated scanning 
  • Indexes data across web pages using automated scripts 
  • Extensible via the Bapp store plugin 
  • Detailed analysis and reporting 



Wide range of features: automated scanning, manual testing, extensive reporting. 

Higher cost for the professional and enterprise versions. 

Customizable with plugins from the BApp Store.

Resource-intensive, affecting system performance. 

User-friendly interface. 

Limited support for non-web application vulnerabilities. 


SoapUI is a versatile tool widely used for testing both Soap and Rest APIs. It offers various testing capabilities, including security, functionality, and load testing. 

Key Features

  • Automated security scans 
  • Detailed reporting 
  • Supports REST, SOAP, and GraphQL 
  • Integrates with CI/CD tools 



User-friendly interface for easy test case management. 

Resource-intensive for large-scale projects and heavy data sets. 

Supports SOAP, and other protocols (HTTP, JMS, AMF, etc.). 

Not specialized for extensive performance testing. 

Imports WSDL and Swagger files for easy test creation. 

Advanced features are limited to the commercial SoapUI Pro version. 

Can test API security features and simulate mock services. 

Maintenance and updates are needed to avoid compatibility issues.

CI/CD tools. 

Handling complex scenarios may require deeper tool knowledge. 

Apache JMeter 

Apache JMeter, known for performance testing, also offers functions for assessing API security. This open-source tool is flexible and commonly utilized for API performance and security testing purposes. 

Key Features

  • Can load and performance test various applications and protocols, including HTTP, SOAP, FTP. 
  • Offers a full-featured IDE for fast test plan creation, recording, and debugging. 
  • Supports pluggable samplers, scripting, and easy integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Maven, and Gradle. 
  • Detailed, dynamic HTML reports and supports offline analysis of test results. 



Freely available and customizable to fit specific testing needs. 

Advanced features and concepts can be complex, especially for newcomers. 

Supports a wide range of protocols and technologies (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, JDBC, SOAP, REST, WebSocket). 

Modeling dynamic user behavior can be challenging. 

Offers a wide range of community-developed plugins to extend functionality. 

Lacks native browser interaction, which might be needed for some performance tests. 

Easily integrates into CI/CD pipelines for automated performance testing. 

Does not offer real-time monitoring and analytics during test execution, complicating immediate issue detection. 

Insomnia REST 

Insomnia, an open-source API security testing tool, offers a comprehensive range of functionalities for API development, debugging, and testing. Its robust testing capabilities and user-friendly interface make it an exceptional choice for API security testing. 

Key Features

  • Automated security testing 
  • Support for GraphQL, and SOAP APIs 
  • Environment variables for configurable testing 
  • Detailed testing reports 



An intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. 

Performance slowdowns with large or complex requests. 

Includes features such as environment variables, code generation, and GraphQL support. 

Lacks extensive performance testing capabilities. 

Free, open-source version with robust capabilities. 

Advanced projects may need extra tools and custom scripting. 


StackHawk is a security testing tool designed for applications that seamlessly integrate with CI/CD workflows, streamlining the process of identifying and resolving security vulnerabilities. The scanning results comprehensively describe discovered issues, accompanied by relevant links and request/response details for reproducing the attack.   

Key Features

  • Streamlines security testing by integrating with existing CI/CD workflows to automate vulnerability scanning and assessments. 
  • Provides clear, actionable insights and recommendations for addressing identified vulnerabilities. 
  • Tailored specifically for developers, offering tools and features that integrate seamlessly into the development process. 



Strong automation capabilities for CI/CD pipelines. 

Can be overwhelming for small-scale projects or those new to security. 

Provides actionable insights with rectification recommendations through detailed security reports and an intuitive dashboard. 

Requires a certain level of familiarity with CI/CD tools for maximum benefits. 

User-centric design and functionalities. 

Might not cater to non-developer personnel in an organization. 


ReadyAPI by SmartBear is a comprehensive API testing toolkit encompassing functional, security, and performance testing capabilities. Designed to ensure API security, ReadyAPI is ideal for thorough API testing. 

Key Features

  • Comprehensive reports and analysis 
  • Support for SOAP, REST, and GraphQL APIs 
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines 



Flexible management of test suites for running and analyzing tests at various levels. 

Handles various protocols like REST, SOAP, and GraphQL, making it a versatile tool for testing different types of APIs. 

Easy updates to individual test steps for simpler maintenance.

Documentation may be unclear on advanced features like wildcards or Groovy scripts.

Supports various protocols like REST, SOAP, and GraphQL. 

Resource-intensive, potentially impacting performance with large test suites. 


Fiddler is a feature-rich API security testing tool that serves as a web debugging proxy. Users can inspect and modify requests sent to APIs along with their responses. Fiddler is particularly beneficial for developers and security experts conducting in-depth analysis and troubleshooting of API traffic. 

Key Features

  • API traffic inspection and debugging 
  • Automated testing scripts 
  • Detailed traffic analysis 
  • Support for various protocols 



Detailed inspection of HTTP/HTTPS traffic for effective debugging. 

Limited to HTTP/HTTPS traffic; may need additional tools for other protocols. 

Extensive customization through scripting and plugins. 

Can impact system performance, especially with large traffic volumes. 

Intuitive interface, easy for new users to navigate. 

Advanced features and customizations may have a steep learning curve. 

Session recording and request replay for debugging and testing. 

Security risks if traffic interception and modification are not managed properly. 

Fortify WebInspect 

Revered as the premier application API security testing tool, Fortify WebInspect is highly regarded for its extensive reporting functionalities and robust scanning capabilities, making it a top choice for API security testing. 

Key Features:  

  • Automated vulnerability scanning 
  • Comprehensive reporting and analysis 
  • Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines 
  • Extensive support for SOAP and REST APIs. 



Thorough security scanning for web applications, identifying a wide range of vulnerabilities. 

Initial setup and configuration can be complex and time-consuming. 

Integrates well with development tools and CI/CD pipelines. 

Resource-intensive, potentially impacting system performance during scans. 

Capable of developing scanning policies according to specific security needs. 

This can be costly for many organizations and teams. 


It is the code quality and vulnerability solution for development teams. It integrates CI/CD pipelines and ensures the software you produce is secure, reliable, and maintainable. 

Key Features

  •  Integrates with CI/CD pipelines. 
  • Analyzes various programming languages. 
  •  Customizable quality rules. 
  • Comprehensive dashboards and reports. 
  •  Reduces technical debt. 
  • Works with IDEs and version control systems. 



Identifies bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. 

Initial configuration can be complex. 

Analyzes code in various programming languages. 

Large codebases may lead to performance bottlenecks. 

Provides good default rules. 

Requires time to learn and optimize effectively. 

Easily integrates with CI/CD pipelines and version control systems. 

Advanced features are only available in paid editions. 

Provides real-time feedback and monitoring. 

May generate false positives or unnecessary warnings. 

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Need help with API security tools? We’re just a message away—let’s talk! Contact us.

How to Select the Optimal API Security Testing Tools 

The global API security testing tools market was valued at USD 836.4 million in 2023 and is projected to grow from USD 1,088.7 million in 2024 to USD 9,655.1 million by 2032, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 31.4% during the forecast period.  


This significant growth highlights the escalating importance of robust API security measures and the increasing demand for comprehensive testing tools to safeguard against evolving threats. Our team of professionals has put together valuable tips for selecting security testing tools for API to help you make an informed choice and protect your APIs (check out our article on API functional testing to learn why it’s essential for your project’s success).  

When choosing the most suitable API tools for your requirements, consider the following factors: 


Best Practices for API Security 

Protecting APIs is crucial, especially considering the growing reliance on API-driven applications and systems. The best way to achieve this is by following these API security guidelines:  

  • Authentication: Use the most robust available authentication, like OAuth or API keys, to validate who is requesting access to your APIs-be it a user or another application. These methods ensure that organizations allow entry to only those with the keys, reducing the chance of data breaches by unauthorized access. 
  • Role-Based Access Control: Enforce RBAC to effectively manage permissions based on user roles or responsibilities. This model ensures that access is granted only to the resources and functionalities necessary for each role, thus reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information. 
  • No-Code API Development: Leverage no-code development solutions to simplify and accelerate development without compromising security. These solutions offer an intuitive interface for building APIs, thereby reducing the likelihood of security vulnerabilities from manual coding mistakes and ensuring that security best practices are followed throughout the development process. 
  • Regular Security Audits: Security audits should include vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and source code reviews to identify and address any security gaps and ensure proper security measures are in place and maintained. 

Security is a critical aspect of data architecture that demands attention, diligence, and adherence to best practices. Following the protective measures outlined above can help safeguard and prevent unwanted access.  


This article examined several leading API security tools for your organization. Recognizing that no single tool can comprehensively address every security need is essential. Therefore, the most effective strategy involves layering multiple tools to achieve complete coverage. Each available platform has advantages and drawbacks, which may or may not align with your requirements.   

Whether you are exploring security tools for the first time or upgrading your current suite, we provide a straightforward and cost-effective solution for implementing application security testing. Contact us today for comprehensive vulnerability assessments and penetration testing of APIs, web applications, mobile apps, cloud environments, IoT devices, source code reviews, and AI/ML systems.   


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What tools are commonly used for API security testing?

API vulnerability testing tools include Postman, Burp Suite, and automated scanners like Nessus. These tools help identify and assess potential security issues within your API.  

How do API security tools work?

API security tools identify vulnerabilities by analyzing source code (SAST), simulating real-time interactions (DAST), and performing penetration tests to detect potential threats. 

How to secure an API without authentication?

Use IP safe listing, rate limiting, and data encryption to secure an API without traditional authentication, ensuring controlled access and protecting sensitive data.   

How often should I perform API security testing?

It’s recommended that API vulnerability testing be conducted regularly, such as after significant updates or changes to your API. Regular testing helps ensure ongoing security and addresses new threats that may emerge over time.

Can automated tools fully replace manual testing for API vulnerabilities?

While automated tools are valuable for identifying known vulnerabilities and issues, manual testing is essential for discovering more complex or nuanced security flaws. Combining both approaches provides a more comprehensive security assessment.